Thursday 23 September 2021

Perennial Plants For Sale – Top 2 You’ll Want To Plant In Later Summer

Perennials or perennial plants survive for at least two years. These bloom from spring to summer every year so you’re guaranteed colourful perennial plants for sale on a yearly basis if you cultivate them well.

Here are the top two perennials plants for sale that can beautify your lawn or garden.

Joe Pye Weed

Perennial plants for sale will likely have Joe Pye Weed on top of the list for late summer blooms. It can reach up to 7 feet high but its dwarf varieties can grow as high as 3 feet tall. It should give your perennials room to stretch out as it thrives or takes root. Remember to plant it on rich and somewhat moist soil. It produces beautiful burgundy-green foliage and big eye-catching whitish-purple blooms that you can enjoy during late summer to fall. These also draw bees and butterflies because of the nectar in their flowers.

Oriental Lily

Oriental lilies give off such fragrance and colour when they are in bloom. These exotic beauties can grow up to 6 feet high with huge stalks to support their impressive star-shaped flowers. These lilies can come in various colours including rose, pink, cream, yellow, orange, and red. Also, you see generous splashes of spots and stripes on each flower. Remember to place them on a sunny or partially sunny area, where the soil can be well-drained and well mixed with organic matter for optimum planting setup.


In conclusion, choosing the best perennial plants forsale and what varieties to combine should help you achieve a beautiful and well-coordinated lawn or garden. For expert advice and a ready supply of fresh and healthy flowers, contact Decadent Daylilies today!